On April 1, we will experience the first new moon of the Spring and the first of the astrological new year! The April new moon will form in the courageous and determined sign of Aries. This new moon energy will light a FIRE within us and inspire us to proceed boldly. It is time to really go after our desires and wildest dreams. As we’ve said before, new moons are a time of clean slates and new beginnings and thanks to Aries – this is extra intense. This is the time to take initiative and action. Be ready to jump into exciting opportunities, just be aware of the impulsive decisions since they don’t always work out in our favor.
We must trust our desire to guide us in the right direction with all of our actions aligned to being the best version of ourselves. Our confidence is soaring with this upbeat and positive new moon in Aries. time to bust out of it and experience all the vivid beauty life has to offer us! Happy New Moon!